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Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Nottingham

Do you really need that fag break?

It's an interesting fact that the main reason why many smokers find it difficult to stop is because they would have to give up their "fag break"

Could you still have a break and not have a cigarette? 

If you live in Nottingham and want to quit smoking phone 0115 9871581


Fed up with smoking? Have you tried everything to stop smoking...willpower, the patches, the gum? Are you fed up with feeling antisocial? Hate the smell? Maybe you don't even know why you smoke anymore?

Smoking is just a habit. Nothing more, nothing less. And habits can be broken. Hypnotherapy and NLP are great for breaking habits...for good!

Stopping smoking may be one of the most important things you will ever do in your life. You'll feel fitter and healthier. You'll probably live a lot longer than if you continue to smoke. And of course smoking has become so antisocial in recent years, so you can feel really proud when you stop.

For many people, stopping smoking can be seen as a major hurdle to overcome. There's often an underlying fear that life will never be the same again. The truth is, it won't be the same again; it'll be better!

Hypnotherapy can make the task of giving up so much easier. Much easier than using willpower or nicotine replacememnt products (which don't deal with the real issue anyway).

It doesn't matter how many cigarettes a day you smoke or how long you've smoked, you can stop. As long as you are committed to becoming a non-smoker, and you really want to do this for yourself, then you can do it.

When you come to see me for help, we will tailor the session to suit your needs. There are many different techniques available, including NLP and PSTEC (Percussive Suggestion Technique) as well as hypnotherapy. One of the main aims will be to make it far more pleasurable for you to be a non-smoker than it ever was when you used to smoke.

I understand exactly how the smoking habit works and I will use this knowledge to help you to quit for good. I charge £175 for the programme. Compare that to the amount of money you spend each year on cigarettes....if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, for example, then by stopping you could save up to £1500 a year!

If you are ready to quit smoking, phone Nottingham (0115) 9871581 to make an appointment to see me.

As well as being a therapist, Robert is also a trainer and is recognised as such by the Central Register for Smoking Cessation Therapists (CRSST).

Take that first step to becoming a non-smoker - CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

or phone me on 0115 9871581

Does it work?

"Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little". (New Scientist, Vol 136 issue 1845, 31 Oct 92)

In 2005, a study of 72,000 smokers from Europe and the US, reported in the Journal of Applied Psychology, showed that hypnosis came top as the most effective therapy in helping people to stop.

Research comparing many different studies of hypnotherapy has shown that on average smokers are over five more times more likely to break the habit with hypnosis than by willpower alone. Hypnotherapy in general is also proven to be more than twice as effective compared with nicotine gum.

If you really want to stop smoking then one session of hypnotherapy could be all you need.

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