Hypnotherapy in Nottingham
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Social phobia and fear of public speaking in Nottingham
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Social phobia and fear of public speaking in Nottingham

You don't have to live with it!

If you suffer from social anxiety or a fear of public speaking there is help. To book a free initial consulation you can phone me, Robert McKinnon, on Nottingham (0115) 9871581 or send an email to robert@nottinghamcoaching.co.uk

Free initial consultation

Clinics in West Bridgford and Carlton

click here to request a free initial consultation

Social phobia is a very common problem and varies in severity ranging from mild discomfort in social situations right up to full blown anxiety about going out in public (which can sometimes lead to agoraphobia).

The fear of public speaking (e.g. in meetings, presentations etc.) is another form of this phobia.

The real underlying issue in most cases is the fear of what other people might think.

The good news is that social phobia, including the fear of public speaking, is totally treatable in the majority of cases. I have helped hundreds of people feel much more relaxed and confident in social and work situations, and often in just two or three sessions.

So if you live in the Nottingham area and want to be free of social anxiety then give me a call.


FREE course in self hypnosis. This brief course will teach you how you can use self hypnosis to change your life. Includes hypnotic mp3 for confidence. Click the following link to access the course.



So imagine feeling more confident and more relaxed when you are the one in the spotlight 

To book a free initial consultation please call me, Robert McKinnon, on 0115 9871581 or send an email to Robert@nottinghamcoaching.co.uk

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